Improve animal shelter and zoonoses center with fines money
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Governor of the State of Goiás Marconi Perillo and 1 more
It is a reality that more animals are abandoned than those that are given for adoption, creating a big problem to manage properly and with dignity to the animals that suffer.
Instead of ignoring the sacrifice, the Government and the City should unite and support Animal Abuse Laws, offenders would be fined and the money would go to animal shelters or create decent centers for the recovery of abandoned animals that were rescued, who are in the streets not because they want, but because someone left them there.
Create with the companies located in Goiânia and its distributors a way for part of the collection to be arranged for such purpose, as an example, the INSS tax share or property.
That is why we must take serious measures to adequately control for criminals and criminals to be fined and the money can be used to cover the needs of many animals abandoned there.
This petition would help the Government listen to us at least once.
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