For the recognition of pets. We support the request A Hen Friend
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: On. Michela Vittoria Brambilla
For a better world and for a gradually release of more and more animals from human cruelty and profit. The animals are born free and equal before the law. Having supported the campaign for horses and rabbits, now support the petition A Hen Friend!
We call for support for the petition "A Hen Friend, for legislative recognition of chickens as pets also a dream I have since I was a child. Escape the nightmare to see my animals end up on the spit" Simona Basilio.
We believe in the right to protect all people who also have these pets, recognizing them by law in order to be protected from harassment, the killing of pets and intimidation in any social context they are interacting.
No one should live exposed to evil and everyone should have the opportunity to make them legally recognized by their loved ones. Because until all suffering is not covered by legal protection, no one can truly be free to make decisions.
Therefore, we ask the legislative recognition as pets, as called for rabbits, even for chicks, chickens or hens, which many have already seen the company and maybe even already living in the house as dogs and cats.
Many families have already adopted these animals as pets and protect them in their suffering and not exposed to disturbances continually imposing images of these animals deployed in any social context in which they live or are to interact in their daily lives.
For more information about the project A HEN FRIEND:
180 CITY TOUR 'to ask the legislative recognition of the chickens as pets:
Thank you all for your attention and for the help they want to address.
Simona Basilico
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.