For a place financed by the municipality to rescue all the stray animals
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Imperatriz Municipal Chamber - Maranhão
Animals have rights guaranteed in the Federal Constitution
The Federal Constitution adopted in 1988, Article 225, paragraph 1, VIII, recognizes that animals are endowed with sensitivity, and therefore requires society and the State to respect life, bodily liberty and physical integrity of these beings, in addition to expressly prohibiting practices that endanger their life, cause extinction or any form of animal cruelty.
Constitutional Law assigns a minimum right to the animal, that is, not to subject sentient beings to cruel treatment, practices that endanger their life or endanger the preservation of their species, assimilated by Federal Law n. 9.605 / 98, to criminalize the conduct of those who abuse, mistreat, injure or mutilate animals in article 32.
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