Find the culprits of the death of Chocolate Closed
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Judicial Power of Córdoba
Chocolate, the puppy of three months that was skinned and left in the street, died after agonize for several days. He recovered in an organization that defended animals that rescued him in the city of San Francisco, but the severity of his injuries prevented his salvation.
The history of Chocolate generated indignation in social networks by the brutal aggression that the old owners submitted. The animal was skinned on the head and neck and was found agonizing by a lady who took him to the vet.
"Seeing these little eyes of suffering say it all ... it's a baby, just a baby !!!" We cannot allow these events as a society, to happen anymore. Animal abuse predisposes us to social violence and vice versa. Judges must begin to sentence Exemplary! "Said the director of the Bio Animalis Foundation, who was responsible for publicizing the case last week.
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