End the animal mistreatment, creating Laws of protection towards the animals Closed
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: President of Chile Michelle Bachelet
In Chile, there are currently no clear laws that investigate cases of animal violence. Many times we are witnesses of abandonment, sordid violence and indifference towards animals. Dogs and cats are mainly unable to provide their owners with food, feed or sustenance. For this reason, many ill-intentioned people deal with their vulnerability to attack them with utter impunity. There are innumerable cases that appear in the public light where we are tied hands. We need not a bill or promises, we need convictions for animal abusers.
There are still people who believe that animals are furniture or simple objects, this must be stipulated, they are NOT INANIMATE OBJECTS, they are living beings that feel and deserve our respect. If you do not like animals then welcome, but keep in mind that your dislike is not synonymous with violence.
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