Close the Market of San Bernabe
people signed. Let's get to 100,000!

Addressed to: Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Rural Development Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) and 2 more
For years APASDEM (Animal Protection Associations of Mexico) has been denouncing animal cruelty in the animal market of San Bernabe in Almoloya de Juarez, State of Mexico.
This animal market is the cruelest in the world. Seen daily as injured animals are transported in trucks, some fractured, others with deep wounds, bleeding, without anyone doing anything. These animals are purchased for slaughter, since they are considered discard, so do not mind the state in which they are, and that is why it mistreats them the worst way.
In this market we find wounded animals, fractured, sick and completely appalled by what they live in that place and what awaits them when they are sold. Hungry, thirsty, hot, cramped in small places where they barely fit, choking until they passed out.
The odyssey of these animals begins when they are discharged from the trucks by kicking, beating, stabbing or using electric shock, or they don't use ramps, so they have to jump, ending injured or fractured, situations that people in charge of the transport of animals they care little or nothing.
This can be seen with the naked eye, nothing is hidden, so it seems even worse than the Government do absolutely nothing to find a solution to this and stop violence against animals. The Government seems not to care eradicate animal abuse and illegal sale of specimens, so we ask them to do something urgently.
All animal lovers of the world must ask the Government of Mexico to close this place where so much damage is done to the animals. It is of utmost urgency to close this bloody place, please, Governor Eruviel Avila Villegas, do everything in your power to close this place.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.