Close the Caricuao Zoo
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and 3 more
Since long ago, the administration of the National Parks Institute (Inparques) are leaving animals to starve in the prison that the Zoo of Caricuao is. Not the first nor last time these inept and indolent people let animals die, for them the life of an animal is worthless. In the situation that is facing the country, neglect and cruelty against animals of the Zoo worsened since even are feeding, and even they are providing care. It is noteworthy that no Zoo should have animals of any kind since they belong to their natural habitat.
Globally many wild animals suffer from stress and depression for their confinement in Zoos, so they die of depression, except in the places where they provide care for animals that can no longer assert themselves in nature.
Zoos are a cruel prison for innocent animals who just want to live in freedom, are not objects to display. If they want to promote the conservation of wildlife, make more parks and nature reserve, prohibit poaching at national level rather than torture with starvation, lock and let the animals die later that capture to deprive them of their freedom.
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