Castration of pets with responsible pet ownership
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Government of the Province of Cordoba
So that there are no more animals thrown on the streets, or killed on the roads, abandoned by their owners. It is unfortunate to travel and see in summer so many dogs passing hardships and very hot, to the side of the road, without water, running in search of food. They also usually see kittens inside closed boxes to die of hunger, heat or cold.
We need a Law of Responsible Pet Ownership, so that all people who have pets take over and not abandon them, a Law that fines these people and until you send them to prison in case of recidivism in the crime of abandonment of animals. For this we need controls from the Justice and Police.
In order to improve this situation, in addition to Laws, we need a police specializing in protecting animals and persecuting anyone who abandons them, mistreats them or murders them.
We need the Governor of Cordoba to do everything possible so that, in addition to the necessary Laws, the government must carry out sterilization campaigns for stray animals and pets.
Thank you
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