Animal testing should end once and for all!

Animal testing should end once and for all!

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Animal testing should end once and for all!

Addressed to: United Nations

The use of animals in testing:

"The question is not "Can they think?" or "Can they talk?", the question is,"Can they suffer?"

Jeremy Bentham, philosopher

Based on the hypothesis that animals respond similarly to humans when exposed to these substances, millions of animals are used each year in tests of medicines for human consumption. Finished products and ingredients separately, products are tested in dogs, rats, mice, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, pigs and other animal species. Similarly, new drugs for humans are tested first in animals to investigate the efficacy and possible toxicity. If the animals do not die as a result of the tests, they will be killed and their organs will be analyzed.

These tests are carried out in the laboratories of manufacturers, universities or contracted external laboratories. Animals can be bred by specialized breeders or can be bred in laboratories, in special facilities for the animals. An animal can be born, live and die in the same laboratory, often within the same room where other experiments are conducted. They are treated as mere objects of study, and researchers often refer to them as "material", "products" or "models".

Test product

Animals are severely subjected to various types of tests to evaluate the toxicity of nearly all substances from cleaners, products for human consumption, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, cosmetics, food additives (colorants, flavorings, preservatives, etc. ), medical equipment, products that emit radiation (cell phones, microwave ovens, etc.).

In these tests, usually conducted without the administration of any anesthetic (which can interfere with the results), the animals are forced to ingest or inhale substances, their skin is shaved so the products are applied on it or they are even placed in his eyes. The products can also be administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. For these tests, the animals are necessarily content because the procedures are painful and invasive. This means introducing them in inhalation chambers, forcing them to wear masks, introducing substances through a tube in the nose that leads directly into the stomach. The substance can be administered at once, for many months or even last the life of the animal.

The tests are different: skin and eye irritation, toxicity, mutagenicity (genetic mutation), carcinogenicity (cancer-causing), teratogenic (fetal effects), reproductive problems, phototoxicity (toxicity caused by ultraviolet rays).

The effects on animals are: vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, chills, lethargy, loss of appetite, seizures, paralysis, hemorrhage and death.

Animal tests are inefficient

Groups of scientists against animal testing usually cite the profit as the main cause of their stay in academia and pharmaceutical industries. Clearly there is an economy dependent on billions of dollars invested annually in this market. But this money is not being used for the good of the people.

Dr. Ray Greek, in an interview with Veja magazine in 2010, said:.. "The pharmaceutical industry has reported that drugs that normally operate at 50% of the population is an average Some drugs work in 10% of the population, another 80%. But that has to do with the difference between human beings. So at this time we do not have thousands of remedies that work for everyone and are safe. in fact, you have remedies that do not work for some people and at the same time are not safe for others. the vast majority of resources that exist in the market are copies of drugs that already exist, so we know the effects without animal testing. Other drugs that have been discovered in nature and are already used for many years in animals were tested only as an appendix. in addition, many drugs we have today have been tested on animals, they failed the tests, but the company decided to market them anyway, and the remedy was a success. So the idea that the remedies work because animal testing is a fallacy. "

So these are the reasons why animal testing must end! I count on the help of all of you who support animal causes, like me, and those who simply find it a cruel this way animals are treated.

BUAV photo


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