A television program against animal abuse
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Spanish Television and 1 more
Signing for a television program constantly reporting on animal abuse.
Sign to constantly report on the great and hard fight against animal abuse, we are thousands that we fight, thousands of volunteers and activists.
Sign to constantly report on the laws that protect animals and the consequences of not complying.
Sign for debates on animal abuse, inviting politicians and answering uncomfortable questions.
Sign to attend these debates professional psychologists, who tell and inform the world of the consequences that our children suffer from animal abuse.
Sign to be constantly informed that is happening in the corners of Spain.
We all watch television, there are thousands of programs, hundreds of debates and nonsense, but there is no program dedicated to protecting the animal against constant and brutal mistreatment. Because there is no against animal abuse? Political debates, sporting debates, debates on the crisis, as animal abuse is increasing every day and this is so well a crisis. This topic also deserves a debate.
Thanks to this television program, thousands of people would be informed of the reality and cruelty that constantly goes beyond the importance of animal welfare and not only for animals if so well for our children that day after day are exposed to brutal images and bloodthirsty, since animal abuse is the first step towards school maltreatment.
Thanks to this program will be constantly warned to all abusers that the Laws, although few, exist and that justice is demanded.
Sign please, enough of hiding the truth about these cruelties, it is time to bring it to light, and not just a minute dedicated in the news.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.